Animals and Kennels in Lot, France
2770 Route de Montaigu
82190 Miramont de Quercy
Siret: 523 525 152 00014
Lynn Stone
Chats du Quercy is a rescue and rehoming facility for abandoned cats -We always have cats and kittens for adoption and our resident cat behaviourist is on hand to give advice -We also offer, advice on cat sterilisation programmes, the legal obligations involving cats, their welfare and adoption, along with educational visits to the rescue centre.
Retirement home for old dogs
La Peyzie
St Paul la Roche 24800
North Dordogne
Leanne & Mike
Give an old dog or terminally ill dog a home with much love and care so that it can die with dignity.We welcome donations of old clean bedding, duvets and towels.Please see our website for our fundraising events throughout the year.
Please come and see us - there will be cuddles galore waiting to greet you. Please visit between 11am - 4pm
Groundworks - Horse Arenas and Fencing
47340 Tournon d`Agenais
Siret: 484 955 042 00011
Covering the Lot - Lot et Garonne - Tarn et Garonne
Sandy Wright
Anything that requires a hole in the ground - Fosses - Filter Beds - Site Clearance - Swimming Pools -
Driveways/Landscaping - Horse Arenas - Horse/Animal Fencing - Plant hire available only with driver.