Health, Care and Well Being in Loire-Atlantique, France
Qualified and Experienced Therapist and Coach
Les Peyrots
09300 Belesta
Siret: 892 364 530 00014
Covering France
Graham McDowell
Specialist in Anxiety, Anger, Stress, Depression - FREE Initial Consultation - Qualified, Experienced Therapist -
Life and Mindfulness Coaching - Online or in person sessions - Visit website for reviews and full details.
Online Magazine
Kylie Lang
Blog and weekly podcast exploring all France has to offer - Fascinating stories about French history -Hear about the myriad of food festivals in France -
Indulge your senses with French wine and discover how champagne came about. -Providing a sprinkle of French sunshine and a lot of French fun.
Colour Vie Harmony | Colour Analysis/Life Coaching
Call Send Enquiry43 route de la Noe Nozou, 44860, St Aignan de Grandlieu