Architects, Plans and Draughtspeople in Eure, France
Planning Applications and Architectural Drawings
Bosquets de Gros
82190 Saint Nazaire de Valentane
Siret: 881 631 642 00017
Covering France
Tom Easdown and Arthur Cutler
Fully qualified, French registered planning consultants and Architects providing property design & architectural services - Residential & Commercial Projects - Scale plans, Interior Layouts & Floor Plans -
New build, Extensions, Conversions, Renovations - Retrospective applications - Fire regulations, Disabled Access, etc -Any size property, anywhere in France -Registered with the Ordre des Architectes.
1348 Route de La Lande
14130 Saint Benoit d'Hebertot
Siret: 418 224 820 00021
Covering the area within Le Harve, Rouen and Caen
All aspects of construction -Full service from conception to completion - Drawing of plans,local planning,free estimates & construction -
Specializing in brickwork & oak frame buildings(colombage) - Other work including blockwork,render,carpentry,roofing,insulation,plasterboard.
1348 Route de La Lande
14130 Saint Benoit d'Hebertot
Siret: 418 224 820 00021
Covering the area within Le Harve, Rouen and Caen
All aspects of construction -Full service from conception to completion - Drawing of plans,local planning,free estimates & construction -
Specializing in brickwork & oak frame buildings(colombage) - Other work including blockwork,render,carpentry,roofing,insulation,plasterboard.