Air Conditioning, Heating and Wood Burners in Creuse, France
Electrician/Plumber/Property Maintenance
87310 St Auvent
Siret: 477 492 037 00023
Covering Haute Vienne, Charente and Creuse
Andrew Martin
Roofing - Electrics - Plumbing - Plasterboarding - Plastering - Tiling - Kitchen and Bathroom fitting - Renovation work - Carpentry - Property Maintenance -
Renewable Energies -Painting, Decorating - exterior and interior -Over 30 years experience - Fully Insured and registered with the Chambre de Metiers.
Solutions for your Home
Sainte Anne Saint Priest
Siret: 491 995 817 00039
Covering the Limousin and surrounding areas.
Wayne Fairbrass
Chimney Sweeping - Woodburner Installations - Installations of Wifi, Satellite TV -
Vehicle Transportation within France - Fully Registered and Insured.
Sarl Stove-Sellers | Wood Burning Stove Suppliers
Call Send EnquiryLe Mont, 23800, Villard
Siret: 502 409 949 00018