Alarms, Phone, Internet, Sat TV and Utilities in Corrèze, France
Electricity Provider
English Line
Solutions for your Home
Sainte Anne Saint Priest
Siret: 491 995 817 00039
Covering the Limousin and surrounding areas.
Wayne Fairbrass
Chimney Sweeping - Woodburner Installations - Installations of Wifi, Satellite TV -
Vehicle Transportation within France - Fully Registered and Insured.
27 Route du Puy Coûtant
24270 Savignac Ledrier
Siret: 504 581 919 00041
Covering up to 60 Km from Payzac (20km for Emergency callout)
Alex Paddon
French Qualified English Electrician - Rewires - New Installations with certificate of conformity - Emergency call outs only with in 30km of Payzac 24270 -
Mise en Securities - Safety regulations - Fault finding and Breakdowns - Telephone - Electric Heating - Water Heaters - Earth Testing -Full Decinal insurance and Enedis (ERDF ) liaison.
English Speaking Helpline
UK Telecom: Telephone, Satellite & Broadband Provider | Broadband/Telephone in France
Call Send EnquiryPrior House, 35 Sydenham Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3RX